torsdag 29 november 2007


the last weeks I have been more busy than ever...but this time with OddEngine!

Basically I have been putting large pieces of the engine together and started testing a lot... I have created some test components to use with game objects and they seem to work just fine. The ObjectManager has recieved a major lift and many features have been added from scratch.

As of a week ago we are running windows in OddEngine and not just command window stuff, so any moment now we can show the same thing we did months ago, hehe. But this time with a much better ground to stand on.

Nice to see the upswing in readers! Keep on keepin' on.

måndag 12 november 2007

Quickie #1

Just a quickie:
Today I finished the first basic version of our new task based game loop (or Kernel if you want), so basically I've just been running some test tasks and it seems to work fine. A lot of inspiration came from the Enginuity articles at gamedev. They're really worth a read.

Enginuity (

söndag 11 november 2007

What to do and when?

The last couple of weeks I've been reading up on engine design a lot, and this has had some effects. Today I begun rewriting our task manager, or the use of it. Up until now we've had our manager more or less idle, because I wasn't sure how to use it properly, but reading articles on the subject has made things clearer. This means that the basic structure of the low level components of our engine will transform a bit in the future, for the good of course.

tisdag 6 november 2007


First: Sorry for the slow updates in the Swedish blog, when things speed up in the creation process, so will the reporting.

Lately, I've been reading frequently about object management in different types of communities, books, articles etc, and I am thrilled to see that there is no real universal solution to the "problem". On one hand, you can do it quick, simple and well adjusted to your project. On the other you can spend a bit more time and have it more general. Really, what you choose depends on what you need, and this is where it becomes tricky. When you start a project you may not know all the details of the completed game and you will not know entirely what you will need your engine to be capable of. Some might say that this has to do with being able to plan ahead, but some questionmarks will remain. As for the object management, choosing a more general solution basically means it will be harder to create more complex objects, like tanks, cars etc, that need several types of physical components all tied together, the communication between them might get a bit mixed up. But if you choose to use an inheritance tree in a situation where you need many similar yet different types of objects, you will end up with far more classes than you need, and a lot of copied code.

What I'm trying to say is that at this point in the developing process, we really need to decide what the engine should be able to handle. And this is always hard. Everytime you start out, you want your compiled code to be totally independent of what the specific game will be, but in reality, you will probably have to sacrifice either speed or reusability or something else.

More questions - fewer answers this time.
Tomorrow: Sweet Nineteen, wish me a happy birthday and stay tuned.