måndag 17 september 2007


This last couple of weeks, (is it a month?) have been quite turbulent. With the start of my first semester at college, I (along with my fellow team mates) haven't been able to write more than a couple of lines of code. From this day, however, our daily schedule doesn't include an evening activity, which will hopefully enable us to work on this project a bit more.

The current situation is this:
* We have written a good chunk of a complete inventory system
* We have implemented some scripting features with LUA
* We have continued working on the GUI
* A time class has been constructed
* Updated character/camera movement, both now controlled with the mouse

Current goals:
* Complete the inventory system
* Get a working GUI class
* Construct a character loader
* Get working on a sound manager
. . .

I hope by this message I'll make it clear that we are in fact alive and healthy, and we plan to continue working on the project as soon as by this afternoon.

Good afternoon,

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